The Inspector General of Forests, MoEF, GOI, has informed that the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) is hosting the “World Environment Day” on 05.06.2018 at Global level in collaboration with UN Environment. The theme for the occasion is “Plastic Pollution”.
The Plastic has insidiously crept into every corner of our lives. We should realize the concern and do collective efforts to reduce use of plants by way of refuse, reduce, reuse and recycle. You may make use of this opportunity to communicate to the public to detach themselves from use of plastics. For this purpose the alternatives products made from forest produce like bamboo, grass, leaves, twigs, jute, husk etc. may play a major role. Revitalizing the traditional methods like using leaves for eating, plant products for packaging, storing etc. may also do wonders in reducing the plastic usage. People may also be restricted from free usage of plastic products at the fairs and festivals specifically.
The MoEF, Government of India has also suggested tentative list of activities that can be taken up by Forest Department at field level to celebrate the “World Environment Day “on 05.06.2018. As seen from the list the following activities can be taken up by field functionaries in their jurisdiction in the state to celebrate the occasion.
i) Exhibition on Forest Wealth and activities.
ii) Organization of painting, drawing and poster competitions duly involving school children focusing on beating plastic pollution.
iii) Plastic free cleanliness drives in all protected areas, all Urban Parks and other forest areas and running a campaign.
iv) National parks/Reserves/ Sanctuaries be plastic litter free by 05.06.2018.
v) Putting banners at important locations and distribution of pamphlets in nearby villages to make people aware about the hazard of non-degradable material and its potential impact on forest and wildlife.
vi) Higlight the importance of growing greenery, Gifting of seedlings on the birthday of children.
vii) Highlighting all the activities being taken up in HarithaHaram Programme to help restore the environment duly involving all stake holders.
viii) FICCI is hosting a website to highlight the activities on that day and during the period and hence sending photos, small videos, paper clippings etc. to them to highlight on the website and national level.
These are the activities to be taken during the period for celebrating “World Environment Day”. The circle heads, District Forest Officers and Forest Divisional Officers are requested to take necessary action in the matter accordingly. And involve all the stakeholders.