Chennai: The Kamal Haasan who was one of the Indian actors appeared to move a step closer to taking the political force on Tuesday on account of independence day he just tweeted in his twitter that “My aim is a better Tamil Nadu, Who dares to strengthen my voice?”, promising people that they could win until we are free from slavery when we are free from corruption “,he just attacked on the Tamil Nadu government, stating that why nobody was demanding that Chief Minister E Palaniswami to quit, If one state’s Chief Minister should resign for a calamity and corruption under his government, how come no party calls for resignation of him in TN, he has done Enough crimes .
The reference was to Uttar Pradesh where Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath is facing demands for his resignation from the Opposition for the due to tragic deaths of children in a hospital in Gorakhpur over the past week in Uttar Pradesh made chief minister Yogi Adityanath to resign his post from the opposition, when it comes to Chennai what’s wrong to remove AIADMK government chief minister to resign for his corruption everywhere, In his tweets on Tuesday, Mr Haasan suggested the political parties such as the DMK and AIADMK were just “tools to help” achieve his objective of a better Tamil Nadu, If those tools are undiplomatic find a better one.