Hyderabad: The Severe action will be taken against illegal trade practices in lieu of reduced slabs of GST taxes said Commissioner for Civil Supplies, Legal Metrology Controller C.V. Anand. Several complaints are received from the consumers for not passing the reduction in GST and traders are indulging in inflating the price in lieu of GST taxes which is effected on the consumers. Commissioner directed Legal Metrology officials to keep continuous surveillance on the implementation of the new rates.
The Commissioner issued directions to the officials to check whether the packaged goods are sold with new reduced prices after the deduction of GST new slab rates or on the same old price. New price stickers should also be pasted on the packed goods.
According to the new slab rates GST in Hotels and Restaurants is reduced from 18% to 5%. The officials are instructed to also check the new GST slab rate implemented in Hotels and restaurants, as there are complaints that the reduced 13% tax in included in different forms in the bill. Special focus on this should be taken said Commissioner C.V. Anand.
The Central government has reduced GST on some commodities, but still some traders are selling them on the same old prices, which is illegal. In this regard, the department of Legal Metrology is enforcd with the powers of agencies to deal the matters arising of unfair trade practices by the orders of the Government in G.O. Ms. No. 9 In the light of above, the increased in sale price in commodities in increased prices amount to unfair trade practices and which can be proceeded under Consumer Protection Act under which cases can be booked and also submitted to the Consumer Forum for further action said Commissioner C.V. Anand.
The Legal Metrology Department is conducting special raids in Hotels, Restaurants to check any unfair trade practices like including GST more, collecting Service charges etc., From October 27th to 17th of this month 15000 raids have been conducted statewide. 1335 cases have been booked for unfair GST taxes, and collected penalty of Rs. 44,35,900. Six cases are booked for collecting service charge.
“We are creating awareness among common people about GST and service charges. Collecting service charge is strictly illegal. The Measure is being taken create awareness among the people for paying service charge or not, on their satisfaction. And also made clear that MPR should be inclusive all taxes including GST. Not more than the MRP should be charged, people also should not pay more than the MRP” said Commissioner C.V. Anand.