Hyderabad: As per the directions of the National Legal Services Authority, New Delhi, vide Lr.F.No.L/39/2015/NALSA, Dated 6-1-2016 & 17-1-2017, the Metropolitan Legal Services Authority, Hyderabad is conducting National Lok Adalat for settlement of all Compoundable Criminal Cases, N.I. Act Cases, Excise Cases, Labour disputes, Matrimonial Cases on 9TH DECEMBER, 2017 (2ND Saturday) at Metropolitan Criminal Courts Complex, Nampally, Secunderabad and Erramanzil.
That, In this regard the Metropolitan Legal Services Authority, Hyderabad constituted (14) Lok Adalat Benches at Nampally, (3) Lok Adalat Benches at Erramanzil and (4) Lok Adalat Benches at Secunderabad, (1) Lok Adalat Bench at Railway Court, Secunderabad, total (22) Benches Constituted for the settlement of both pending and pre-litigation cases.
It is requested to the people who are having the cases of Compoundable Criminal Cases to utilize this opportunity and to settle their matters at the concerned Lok Adalat Benches, on 9th December, 2017 from 10.30 am to 5.00 pm.