Hyderabad: The 78th All India Industrial Exhibition 2018, Inaugurated By Eatala Rajender & President Exhibition Society, The Chief Guests Mohammed Mahmood Ali, and Kadiyam Srihari, Hon’ble Deputy Chief Minister, Government Of Telengana Participated in the inaugural function of 78th All India Industrial Exhibition AIIE, the Members of the Exhibition Society, Osmania Graduates Association, Economic Committee, distinguished guests, exhibition participated in the 78th All India Industrial Exhibition.
The Exhibition was originally started in 1938; with only 100 stall in Public Gardens by a few Graduates of Osmania University with a view to promote industrial development of erstwhile Hyderabad State. Today it has attained the status of an AIIE and it is becoming one of the biggest show windows of the County for promotion of trade, industry and commerce, wherein hundreds of manufacturers, dealers and consumers participate from all over the country.
To the visitors and exhibitors Free Wi-Fi facility is provided. The society has put in place three tier security systems in the Exhibition Grounds to secure safe environment and entertainment to the visiting public during the Exhibition Period. The Police Department has been extending their cooperation by arranging bandobust Arrangements for the entire period of the Exhibition. They also put up a Police Stall in the space allotted by the Exhibition Society. The Exhibition Society recruits of 150 to 200 Volunteers and watch ward volunteers during the Exhibition Period.
This year there has been tremendous response for stalls. About 2500 stalls have been allotted, including the State and Central Government Departments and Public Sector.
The Exhibition Society, This year also, in collaboration with M/s. Yashoda Hospitals is offering Health Services at the Medical Check-up Centre put up by the Exhibition Society.