Hyderabad: The Arvind Kumar, IAS, Principal Secretary, MA&UD inspected the Charminar Pedestrian Project and various other related works today at Charminar areas with all the senior officials of various Govt., Heads of the Departments. While on inspection the Principal Secretary directed the officials and said that the shops in the Charminar area must have a uniform display boards with heritage background to safeguard the historic monuments in Hyderabad Old City.
The Principal Secretary said that the changes will be brought as a part of Charminar Pedestrian Project in Laad Bazar in phase-1 and also stated that a team of officials would shortly be sent to Isthambul, Turkey to study the integration, synergisation of Architecture, Heritage pedestranisation, Transport and Tourism.
The Principal Secretary said that the Charminar Pedestrian Project is costing around Rs. 35 crores and the works are in progress as per the directions of the Hon’ble Minister for MA&UD the Principal Secretary has visited to inspect the ongoing works of the CPP Project today, directions were given to the concerned officials to remove flexies, banners, hoardings of various nature on priority in the surrounds of the project and also to provide modernized streetlights, in and around the project area.
The Principal Secretary said that the NTPC has provided funds of Rs. 9 crores for Swachh Iconic Project on the same lines he requested the NTPC authorities to look in to the development of the Laad Bazar areas also. He further directed the officials concerned to replace the open manhole covers immediately near Sardarmahal and surrounding areas.
The Srinivas Reddy, ZC (South), Mohan Naik, Chief Engineer, State Road Development Corporation, Srinivas Rao, CPP, Project Director, Dathupanth, S.E, and senior officials have participated in the visit.