As per the directions of National Legal Services Authority, New Delhi, the Metropolitan Legal Services Authority, Hyderabad conducted National Lok Adalat for settlement of all Compoundable Criminal Cases, N.I.Act Cases, Excise Cases, Labour disputes, Matrimonial Cases, and pre-litigation cases on 22-04-2018 SUNDAY at Metropolitan Criminal Courts Complex, Nampally, Secunderabad and Erramanzil; by constituting (21) Benches.
The following are the particulars of the cases settled before the National Lok Adalat held on 22-04-2018 (SUNDAY).
No.of compoundable criminal cases settled. | 815 |
No.of Excise case settled. | 188 |
No.of N.I.Act Cases settled. | 524 |
No.of matrimonial cases settled. | 07 |
Total | 1534 |