The 10th board meeting of the greater Warangal smart city corporation held on Tuesday at the CDMA office gave in principle approval for setting up a 150 kl capacity faecal sludge treatment plant in Warangal in two phases with an estimated cost of Rs 4.8 crores. This is in addition to the already existing 15 KL capacity FSTP which was successfully established on a pilot basis and which is currently operational and is able to successfully treat the waste as per the desired norms. The FSTP was set up in sync with the Faecal Sludge and Septage Management policy of the government of India.
The Principal Secretary MA&UD Arvind Kumar, CDMA Dr T K Sridevi, Collector Warangal Amrapali, Warangal Municipal Commissioner Gautam, Mayor Narender and other officials along with the Project Management Consultants attended the meeting.
While Speaking on the occasion Mr Arvind Kumar said that development of all important roads which have a visible impact and which can be completed before next March should be taken up. He asked the commissioner to inspect all the major roads and take up those which have major impact. The existing junctions have to be greened; he said and added that young architects may be asked to design the junctions in an aesthetic manner. The Bhadrakali Lake cleaning should be completed before the arrival of monsoon, he stated. Similarly, the public garden should be renovated and kept ready by 15th August this year. Development of 1000 pillar temple and Warangal fort should be done at the earliest. He asked the PMC to incorporate disaster management and protection of government lands as components under the pan city proposals. The meeting also took stock of the various ongoing projects as part of the smart city project.