Hyderabad: A meeting was convened under the Chairmanship of APC & Prl.Secy., to Govt.,(Agril. & Co-op.) which was attended by Raghupal Singh, Chief (P & GS), LIC, Mumbai and team of other Officials from Hyderabad divisional & Zonal Office along with the Agriculture Department Officials. Certain decisions emerged in the meeting are as follows:
1. If nominee is a minor then the farmer has to nominate one appointee.
2. Lateral entries (new holder of PPB – issued after 15th August 2018) should be in the age group of 18-59 years for which age would be considered on 1st of that particular month.
3. Name and Age/date of birth of the enrolled farmer should be strictly based on Aadhaar Card (Same as in Aadhaar Card).
4. De-duplication of the data based Aadhaar data will be done by the Department of Agriculture and also LIC.
5. Proper precautions to be taken by the Department of Agriculture & LIC for securing the data transfer.
6. LIC to provide toll free numbers for any query/clarification by the farmers.
7. Mobile app is made ready for uploading the data and Commissioner Agriculture should make it operational immediately.
8. The farmers should be educated for conversion of general Bank accounts in to SB Accounts for problem free transfer of Claim.
9. LIC to appoint a nodal officer at State level to resolve the issues and for smooth operationalization of scheme with regard to the nominations and claim settlements.