The fourth foundation day celebrations of Professor Jayashankar Telanagana state agricultural university held here on Monday (3-9-2018) at university auditorium Rajendranagar Hyderabad. Dr Ashok Dalwai CEO, National Rainfed Area authority [NRAA] Ministry of Agriculture and farmer welfare Govt.of India New Delhi while delivering Professor jayashankar commemorative address he highlighted the telanaga state government model initiatives in agriculture sector like Mission kakatiya for renovation of farm ponds ,Input subsidy through Ruthu bandhu scheme, improving market and storage facilities towards welfare of farming community. To address issues of agriculture sector utilization of science and technology is essential. In this juncture management of production and post production areas by redefining our mandate and reorientation of existing strategies is required. To improve the living standards of framers there is need for effective utilization of resources. He appreciated the efforts of Vice chancellor of PJTSAU for achieving highest standards and position in the country.
The Shailendra Kumar Joshi, Chief Secretary Govt.of Telangnana and chief guest of function said Agriculture is life line for India as it contributes 17% of GDP and livelihood for 60 crores of Population. To achieve the doubling of farmer’s income there is need to reduce the cost of cultivation and increase the value of farm produce. He highlighted the different schemes launched by state government towards welfare of farming community like waving crop loans for about Rs. 17000 crores [30.29 lakh farmers] , 24 hours power supply , inputs subsidy scheme for the benefit of 49.4 lakhs farmers about Rs. 5011crores, Crop colonies etc.
Dr.V.Praveen Rao Vice chancellor, PJTSAU presiding the programme explained about development initiatives taken up during last year like preparation of soil fertility maps for 30 districts, survey on Food consumption habits of people of telangana state and cultivation of crop patterns. He also said that the Research units of Rice, Maize and Weed control received best AICRP centres from ICAR. On this occasion awards and meritorious certificates are distributed to progressive farmers, Teachers, Scientists, Non-teaching staff and Students and several publications are also released. In this programme K. Koteswara Rao Chairman TSSDC, Board of management members, University officers, Former Deans /Directors, Teaching and non teaching staff, Farmers and larger no. of students participated. Dr.K.V.S.Meena kumari Dean P.G. Studies proposed vote of thanks for making programme a grand success.