The Chief Electoral Officer of the State, Dr Rajat Kumar, held a video conference with District Election Officers and SPs here on Wednesday to give a thrust to inter-district Assembly constituencies while preparing bandobust arrangements for the elections. Mr. Jitender, Additional DG, Law & Order, also participated in the conference.
The CEO instructed the DEOs and SPs to conduct coordination meetings in their respective districts with all Returning Officers and constituency police nodal officers for better preparedness, focusing on inter-district constituencies in particular. Mr. Jitendeer said they had listed out sectoral mobile and route mobile teams. Police nodal officers had already been appointed in each district, covering all the 119 Assembly constituencies.
The Dr Rajat Kumar said, such coordination meetings were held in Adilabad and Mahabunagar districts and this should be followed in two or three days in the remaining districts. The CEO said the postal ballot facility would be extended to all the employees engaged in election duty, including police personnel.
In this connection, a proforma had already been communicated to the District Election Officers asking them to collect the names of those engaged in election work, and indicate their requirement of the ballot papers Assembly Constituency-wise on a priority basis.
He directed DEOs to concentrate on C-Vigil, a mobile app launched a few days ago to respond on complaints lodged online by citizens regarding model code violations. Political parties could use this facility. “Establish control rooms and gear up the system to attend on the complaints”, he told the DEOs.