The Principal Secretary Agri. & Cooperation C. Partha Sarathi Garu, conducted meeting on Garbage Disposal Mechanism and conversion of the same for energy generation in the market yards at Gaddiannaram, Bowenpally & Gudimalkapur with Director of Marketing G. Lakshmi Bai & A. Gangagni Rao of Chief Scientist of CSIR / IICT, Hyderabad.
The A. Gangagni Rao of Chief Scientist of CSIR / IICT, Hyderabad has explained the concept of Anaerobic Gas lift Reactor (AGR) based on High Rate Bio-Methanation Technology and informed that it works under the Principal of Anaerobic Digestion, serving as a sustainable technology to provide a scientific waste disposal system to utilize the clean energy. It is also added that the AGR could be design for 1 to 10 Tonnes of bio waste per day. The economics of the plant are also explained.
The Director of Marketing G. Lakshmi Bai has presented details of Garbage being piled up in each of the market yards located at Bowenpally, Gaddiannaram & L.B.Nagar Vegetable Market and Gudimalkapur Vegetable and flower markets. The expenditure incurred in each of the market yards on electricity and garbage are also explained. The Garbage accumulated at Bowenpally & Gaddiannaram Market is nearly 10 Tonnes per day whereas at the L.B.Nagar & Gudimalkapur markets it is less than 5 Tonnes per day.
After reviewing all the pros and cons, Principal Secretary C. Partha Sarathi in principle has decided to take up one Bio-methanation plant to treat 10 Tonnes per day at market yard Bowenpally for generation of Bio Gas based power and Bio Manure. In general this will help to protect environment due to disposal of the garbage at the same premises without transportation to the Jawaharnagar garbage point in the city and it will also ease traffic from market to the City. It will also save nearly 30 Lakhs of electricity bill to the AMC Bowenpally.
The senior officers of marketing both administrative and engineering departments, secretaries of AMCs Bowenpally, Gaddiannaram & Gudimalkpur were also present during the meeting.