The C. Partha Sarathi, IAS, APC & Principal Secretary, Government of Telangana, Dr. K. Keshavulu, Director and Managing Director, Telangana State Seed & Organic Certification Authority and Telangana State Seeds Development Corporation, had a high level meeting with ISTA higher officials on Monday at ISTA Secretariat, Zurich, Switzerland to discuss on future course of action for smooth and successful conduct of ISTA Congress-2019.
Discussions of the meeting
• Participation from across the globe:It was discussed that, the event may bring together more than 800 global seed experts from around 80 countries including policy makers, scientists, seed analysts, technologists, researchers from international organisations, universities, research institutes, public and private seed industry to discuss all the aspects of seed quality and testing.
• Seed Farmers Meeting: it was decided to have seed farmers meeting in a big way separately for about 1000 seed farmers from all the districts across the State in conjunction with ISTA Congress. A separate programme will be prepared in vernacular language for the benefit of the seed farmers. In the meeting, various issues related to quality seed production and management of seed quality at various levels of seed production will be covered. This would help to improve the skills and competence among the seed farmers, thereby help to foster the seed production potential of the Telangana State.
• International Seed Exhibition:in the meeting ISTA officials agreed to have International Seed Exhibition in conjunction with ISTA Congress, wherein more than 200 public and private seed related firms from across the world like European Seed Association, African Seed Association, American seed trade association, Asia-Pacific Seeds Association, Brazil seed association, etc are expected to participate. The exhibition includes the state-of–art-facilities for seed production, processing, testing, biotechnology, advanced seed treatment technologies, farm mechanization, seed trade table, marketing network, global interaction, etc. for the benefit of Indian Seed Industry.
• Promotional activities: In order to ensure more number of participation from India, it was decided to take up promotional activities across the country especially in the potential States. Mr. C. Partha Sarathi, informed the ISTA officials that, it is proposed to hold promotional activity in the Karnataka State at Bengaluru on December 06, 2018 to ensure the participation from seed related departments and agricultures universities. In similar line the promotional activities will be taken in other States across the country at the earliest possible.
• Separate Session on DNA finger printing technologies for seed purity assessment: Dr. Keshavulu, informed that, there is need to stress on application of advanced DNA finger printing technologies in the field of seed science to ensure higher purity level in the seed and hence, it was decided to have a separate session on DNA finger printing technologies, wherein, experts from OECD, UPOV, ISF & ISTA would be participating and discussing on application of these technologies at global level.
• Participation from neighbouring countries of India: Dr. Keshavulu, informed the ISTA officials that, large number of participants from China, Pakistan, Bangladesh and other neighbouring countries of India are expected to attend the Congress.
• Elaborate arrangements: In the meeting detailed discussions were held on the elaborate arrangements to be made for grand and successful conduct of the Congress, like registration for the congress, timeline for the commencement and closing of registration, inaugural programme, logistic, security arrangements, promotional activities etc
• Regular meetings: it was also decided to have two- three meetings at regular interval to sort out all the issues by February, 2019.
• Visit of ISTA delegation to Hyderabad: It was informed that, the ISTA delegation is visiting Hyderabad in the month of January to oversee the preliminary arrangements for the Congress.
• Next ISTA Governing Board Meeting at Germany: ISTA Secretary General invited theMr. C. Partha Sarathi to attend the next ISTA Governing Board meeting to be held in Germany in the month of February, 2019along with Dr, Keshavulu forfurther discussions and to finalise the programme and activities of ISTA Congress.
• Participation from ICRIAT and African countries: Dr. Keshavulu, informed the ISTA officials that, there will be significant number of participation from ICRISAT and African countries.
• At the end of the thorough discussion, Mr. C. Partha Sarathi thanked the ISTA officials and informed that, organizing ISTA congress in Hyderabad,is an esteemed opportunity which helps in focusing the Telangana, the seed bowl of India and serves as a platform for exchange of knowledge in seed related aspects.
• He also said that, the congress would help in exploring seed export potential of Telangana and thereby paving way towards transforming the Telangana State from Seed Bowl of the Country to Global seed Hub.
• He assured that, the Government of Telangana will make all efforts to ensure grand and successful conduct of ISTA Congress-2019.
About International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)
• International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) is an international organisation, founded in 1924 with an aim to develop, adopt and publish standard procedures for seeds sampling and testing, and to promote uniform application of these procedures for evaluation of seeds moving in domestic & international trade. The rules & procedures of ISTA have been adopted across the globe including India to ensure the supply of quality seeds to the farming community.
• ISTA is having more than 80 member countries across the world including India, who work together to achieve the vision of ‘Uniformity in seed testing’ through internationally agreed rules for seed sampling and testing. This facilitates seed trading nationally and internationally, and thereby contributes to food security.
• ISTA is managed and directed by a nine members Executive Governing Board, which includes Dr. K. Keshavulu from India for the time in its 94 years of history.
• ISTA conducts Congress once in three years, to provide a platform for exchange of knowledge on seed research, quality & trade related aspects by involving world renowned seed experts, policy makers and scientists.
• The recent one i.e. 31st ISTA Congress was held at Tallinn, Estonia in 2016 where in Indian delegation was also participated
• As matter of pride, the 32nd edition of ISTA Congress is being held in India for the first time in Asia at Hyderabad, Telangana State.