The Secretary to Government B Venkatesham, IAS, YAT & C Department has written a letter to the defence initiating the proposal to facilitate a war flight and submarine to display to the public of Hyderabad and tourist visiting the Telangana State.
Accordingly, the Managing Director has approached the DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organization) Chairman Dr. Satish Reddy, Secretary, Department of Defence R&D the Naval personnel and requested to facilitate a war flight Tupolev-TU 142 M the anti submarine warfare aircraft to make it a museum.
A total of eight Tupolev-142 M’s were inducted into the navy. The sovient-era aircraft, known as one of the most formidable airborne reconnaissance platforms around the world, were part of all major naval exercises and operations of Indian Navy since its induction in 1988. Out of which two are re-assembled at vishakapatnam and West Bengal respectively. Among the rest of the aircrafts the navy and defence had agreed to provide one unused aircraft submarine and missiles to the Telangana State. The objective is to promote the knowledge to the citizens of Hyderabad on the activities of the Indian navy and its service to the nation.
The Government of Telangana and Department of Tourism is planning to demonstrate the museum in coordination with DRDO which would encourage a lot of youngsters to join the defence.
Further it is also contemplated to establish defence museum where in defence related labs and missiles will be exhibited in collaboration with DRDO.