The 37th Annual Rose Show was inaugurated by C. Parthasarathi., I.A.S., APC & Principal Secretary (Agriculture, Horticulture & Cooperation) Department as the chief guest, where hundreds of Roses varieties were displayed on the show from various states in the country with an attractive display which is a treat to watch.
Vijay Kanth, Vice President of Indian Rose Federation and Secretary Hyderabad Rose Society has welcomed the guest and mentioned that the Hyderabad Rose Society was formed by a group of plant and rose lovers in 1975 at Hyderabad with Dr. P.S. Rao, Eminent Cardiologist, NawabshaAlam Khan and M.S. Veera Raghavan, I.A.S., Retd. and others the objective was to bring awareness in the general public about roses and roses growing. He invited the chief guest and other dignitaries on the dais. Heianne de Briey, President World Federation of Rose Societies and Helga Brichet, Chair Person Convention Committee WFRS also graced the function.
Ahmed Alam Khan the president of Hyderabad Rose Society and president EMERITUS of the Indian Rose Federation and Vice President of the World Federation of rose societies mentioned that at the state level every state has a rose society an at national level Indian rose federation was founded in 1979 and all the rose societies are affiliated to it. At the International level the world federation of rose society also exists.
He further mentioned that from the inception of rose society it has been conducting annual rose shows and competitions to bring awareness and encourage the rose growers / lovers. It also organizes visits and technical lectures to the members of the society.
He also stated that in 2016 Hyderabad Rose Society organized the world regional convention of the world federation of rose societies during the presidentship of NawabshaAlam Khan.
Suresh Pingle, President Indian Rose Federation mentioned about the passion of Alam Shah Khan family and raised the garden developed by Ahmed Alam Khan.
Gold Medals were also presented to Ahmed Alam Khan and Dr. A.P Singh. The Chief Guest also released the Annual Report of the Hyderabad Rose Society.
The C. Parthasarathi., I.A.S., in his inaugural speech stated that the rose according to fossil evidence is about 35 Million years old and the actual cultivation of roses dates back to 5000 years ago in china. The roses have importance in our society and culture as they are used for decorations, celebrations, medicinal purpose and a source of perfume. The Kakatiyas have also promoted roses in the south of India and they have waived the custom duties on various items from china including rose water.
He also mentioned that Bengaluru was number one city in cultivation of roses and presently Pune is number one exporting lot of roses to other states and countries, Hyderabad is also coming up well in rose promotion.
Further, Roses have aesthetic and commercial importance, export potential therefore Government should promote cultivation of roses around Hyderabad and other suitable areas, the latest western roses including cut-flower roses or HT roses in polyhouses are well represented in several states of India.The modern era of rose growing in India started with the advent of pioneer Indian hybridizer Dr. B.S. Bhattacharji in 1940s and rose growing received a tremendous fillip after independence.
He stated that at present this is being organized purely by private rose lovers and Government now should lend a hand to coordinate and help them to promote this activity.
The programme came to an end with the vote of thanks by Vijay Kanth, Vice President of Indian Rose Federation and Secretary Hyderabad Rose Society.