The 6th Governing Board meeting of Forest College and Research Institute, Hyderabad.(At Mulugu). The Governing Board meeting has approved the recommendations of Academic Council meeting held on 26-08-2019 under the Chairman ship of Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (HoFF), T.S. and further discussed issues relating to F.C.R.I. i.e., shifting of campus to Mulugu, Academic qualifications to teaching staff, Upgradation of F.C.R.I. to University level, Utilization of Forest Research Centre, Mulugu areas for F.C.R.I. research purpose and approved the budget expenditure, Audit report of 2018-19 financial year, Procurement of vehicles to F.C.R.I., Engaging contract faculty and faculty orientation program.
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is signed between F.C.R.I. and Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA-ICAR), Hyderabad for
a) Cooperation on New or Existing Projects and Educational visits.
b) Exchange of information, technological and scientific publications, c) Providing mutual opportunities for faculty members and Researchers to give lectures.
d) Research cooperation to the students,
e) Cooperation in individual projects,
f) Organization of lectures, Symposia, International Meetings, Conferences and Workshops,
g) Support reciprocity in institute Extension activities of common interest.