The Somesh Kumar,IAS., Chief Secretary to Govt., has directed the officials to make elaborate arrangements for the conduct of Republic Day Celebrations at Public Gardens on January, 26th in a befitting manner. The Chief Secretary held a Co-ordination meeting with the officials of various departments at BRKR Bhavan on Friday. The Chief Secretary said proper arrangements to be made in a coordinated way with more care. Necessary arrangements be made for Security, Traffic Management, barricading etc. The Adhar Sinha,IAS., Special Chief Secretary to Govt. (GAD), Mahender Reddy,IPS.,DGP, Arvind Kumar,IAS., Commissioner I&PR, Sunil Sharma,IAS., Principal Secretary (R&B), hiva Shankar,IAS.,(Retd.), Finance Department, Anjani Kumar,IPS., Commissioner of Police, Hyderabad and other officials attended the meeting.
CS Telangana Held Co-ordination Meeting on Arrangements for Republic Day Celebrations