The TSGENCO in line with its business strategy and expansion plans has decided to replace the existing in-house software application by implementing centralized ERP solutions across all its Plants and Corporate Office. The ERP initiative in TSGENCO has been christened as “TSSHAKTHI” (TSGENCO System to Harness Ample Knowledge Transformation for Harmony and Integration) as it promises to lead into a new era of information management in the organization. Accordingly, TSGENCO partnered with M/s SAP India Pvt.Ltd., for Implementation of SAP ERP solution across all its generating stations, including corporate office. Thus the TSGENCO Stations and H.Q have been using the SAP ERP System since 01.08.2013. The Project has been acclaimed as the widest implementation (18 modules) done in the shortest time (10 months). In continuation to leverage TSGENCO business processes and to initiate steps towards a paperless enterprise, TSGENCO partnered with SAP for implementation of e-Office using SAP FLM (File Lifecycle Management) and Dashboards using Mobile Technologies.
The e-Office solution has been inaugurated by D.Prabhakar Rao, Chairman and Managing Director/TSGENCO and pilot go-live happened on 22.02.2018 at Corporate Office. The rollout of e-office Solution at remaining Generating Stations has been completed by 19.09.2018 in three phases and all the locations of TSGENCO are now using e-Office. Further, in order to make use of huge transactional data being generated in ERP system, TSGENCO partnered with SAP to develop Dashboards for senior level management using SAP Analytics and thus implemented Mobile Application to bring important KPIs and on-line generation, state demand and reservoir levels on one single unified platform. These exemplary IT implementations has bagged much coveted AWARD OF EXCELLENCE from Computer Society of India CSI SIG eGovernance AWARDs 2018-19 under Projects – State category at country level.
A jury of eminent experts and the award secretariat from CSI Special Interest Group(SIG) have visited the ERP Project Office as a part of Field visit on 18.11.2019 and selected the Project for Finalist. The final presentation to the jury among the shortlisted projects was made on 18.12.2019 at University of Hyderabad. This project was declared qualified for the ‘Award of Excellence’ from a large number of nominations and presentations, after comprehensive questioning and cross examination. The CSI SIG e-Governance Award has been conferred to TSGENCO Project during the 53rd Annual Convention CSI held on 17th Jan.2020 at KiiT (Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology), Bhubaneswar. Sri B.P. Acharya, Special Chief Secretary, GoTS and Director General for Dr.MCR HRD who was special guest on the occasion congratulated TSGENCO for the splendid work in the field of Information Technology.
Key Benefits/Features of e-Office:
• Real time tracking of files to multiple stake holders with improved transparency and accountability
• On-line movement of Digital files with pre-configured workflow leading to reduced administrative lead-time
• Quick and easy retrieval of digital files using search feature
• User authentication through Digital Signature Certificate integration
• Limiting the access to the files thru Role authorisation
• No missing of Files with secured file content
• Access of Files and Daaks on e-mobility to approve even on camps or out of office
• Seamless integration with ERP to link the documents generated in ERP System
• Increased usage of soft copy Files and Daaks, leading to reduction in paper consumption.
Key Benefits/Features of Dashboard:
• Integrated all relevant KPIs into one display to support executive decision-making
• Access of KPIs and Reports on mobile devices and using Web browsers
• Help ensure decisions based on real-time data to preserve organizational agility
• Guide smart choices about when to purchase and replenish coal stocks to reduce expenses
• Collate attendance data and head count enterprise-wide to improve HR processes
• Fiscal control through monitoring of Organization’s revenue and expenditures
The D.Prabhakar Rao, Chairman and Managing Director of TSGENCO and TSTRANSCO congratulated the ERP TSSHAKTHI team for their dedicated efforts and the team work on this achievement and advised to maintain the same level of commitment for future endeavours.