Hyderabad: In view of Covid-19 global pandemic, the state of Telangana has strengthened surveillance, contact tracing and containment measures against the possible spread of disease. The first case of Covid-19 was confirmed on 2nd March 2020 in the state of Telangana.
“Till date Seventeen (17) positive cases of COVID-19 have been reported in
Telangana state
New confirmed cases:
One new case confirmed on 20.03.2020
P17: 18 yrs old female R/o Hyderabad with travel history of arrival from London, was referred from a private hospital and presently admitted at TB & Chest Hospital, Hyderabad. Patient is stable.
Appeal to Public:
✓ Any person who has returned from any foreign country or has been in Transit shall be in self home quarantine for 14 days from the time of arrival in India. irrespective of having any symptoms or not.
✓ Any person who has been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 must remain in home isolation for 14 days.
✓ The detailed SOP for quarantine is annexed.
✓ To self-notify at the nearest government hospital immediately after the onset of Symptoms.
✓ To call 104 health help line for all queries pertaining to Covid-19.
✓ Maintain personal hygiene, use tissue paper/handkerchief while coughing or sneezing, frequently hand wash with soap and water or hand sanitizer.
✓ Avoid crowds or large social gatherings.
Guidelines for Home Quarantine
➢ Home quarantine is applicable to all contacts of a suspect case or contacts of a confirmed case of COVID-19.
➢ Person shall be placed in a well-ventilated single room. Limit the number of attenders. Assign only one person who is in a good health without risk conditions.
➢ Household members should stay in a different room and if it is not possible maintain a minimum of one (1) meter distance.
➢ The caregiver should wear a medical mask fitted tightly to the face when in the same room and especially during movement
➢ Masks should not be touched or handled during use. If the mask gets wet or dirty with secretions, it must be changed immediately. Discard the mask after 6 hrs use and perform hand hygiene after removal of the mask.
➢ Hand hygiene- Wash hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water after serving the quarantined person.
➢ Use disposable paper towels if available or else use dedicated cloth towel and replace them when wet. Wash thoroughly all the reusable items with household detergent.
➢ Follow respiratory hygiene – covering the mouth and nose during coughing or sneezing using medical masks, cloth masks, tissues or flexed elbow, followed by hand hygiene.
➢ Use disposable gloves to provide oral or respiratory care and when handling body fluids, stool, urine and waste.
➢ Persons with symptoms should remain at home until their symptoms are resolved based on either clinical and/or laboratory findings
➢ Frequently touched surfaces such as bedside tables, bedframes and other furniture, bathroom and toilet surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected at least once daily with regular household disinfectant containing a diluted hypochlorite solution (1-part bleach to 99 parts water).
➢ The contacts should be advised to monitor their health for 14 days from the last day of possible contact and seek medical support if any symptoms are observed.
➢ For any queries please contact Helpline number 104.
➢ In case of onset of any symptoms (Fever/ cough/ difficulty in breathing/ body pains/ head ache/ vomiting/ diarrhoea) please call 104 immediately or contact your nearest Government Health Facility
➢ Government of Telangana will release Media Bulletin twice a day with all relevant information on COVID19. Please do not believe/panic on seeing information at various social media platforms.
➢ There is no specific drug/ vaccine for COVID19. Prevention can be through social distancing, frequent hand wash, maintaining personal hygiene, cough etiquette and avoiding large gatherings.
“Let us fight together against COVID-19
Let us all work towards a Healthy Telangana”