The Government of Telangana has run 11 trains on 6-5-2020 to different States viz., Bihar, UP, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan. In all, 12803 stranded migrant workers were sent to their respective States by these trains. These trains started on early hours from different locations in and around Hyderabad. In addition to these 11 trains, 2 trains had gone to Jharkand on 1-5-2020 and another to Bihar on 5-5-2020 carrying 2472 workers.
In fact, the Government had indented for 40 trains and the Hon’ble Chief Minister himself intervened personally to ensure that 40 trains are lined up. Various states were contacted as well. However, the other states wanted more time for logistics arrangements for the workers. Therefore, despite of the arrangements made by the Telangana State to send these workers back home, 11 trains could only leave on 5-5-2020. It is mandatory to have consent of the receiving State as per SoP of railway to transport workers.
All the workers who took train on 5-5-2020 were provided with food, masks, fruits, water etc. They were picked up by buses from their respective places and dropped at railway stations.
The senior officers from IAS and IPS including the Chief Secretary personally monitored the entire movement of the migrant workers.
The Chief Secretary has written letters to the Chief Secretaries of major states viz., Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Odisha, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Bihar, Rajasthan for accepting these migrant workers who want to go to their native places.
The response from some of these states have been awaited and without the consent of these states, as per Standard Operating Procedure (SoP) issued by the Railway Ministry, the trains are not allotted.
The Registration of the migrant workers is in full swing and so far 2.78 lakh workers have been registered. The states with high number of registered migrant workers are UP (67000), Bihar (66000), West Bengal (45000) & Orissa (34000), Jharkhand (29000. However, workers have to keep in mind that, it requires consent of their states and provision of trains by the Railways. So in the meantime, the workers are advised to continue work etc., and as and when trains are available they will be intimated and transported. Only the registered workers as selected through computer programme (lottery system) and based on consent of the other states, will be sent. The Government of Telangana has paid Rs.1.65 Crores to Railways so far towards fare of 13 trains.