Hyderabad: The first convocation of Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University is conducted today at University auditorium Rajendranagar Hyderabad. The E S L Narasimhan Hon’ble Governor of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana and Chancellor of Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University presided the convocation and the Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra Secretary [DARE] and Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi was the Chief guest of the convocation.
The E S L Narasimhan Hon’ble Governor of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana and Chancellor of Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University are addressing the convocation emphasized about education should have societal relevance and should contribute to the overall development of rural areas. The Agril education with more practical orientation will make the students to serve the farming community in a better way. Adopting a village with a holistic approach to reduce poverty and migration to urban areas. The Upliftment of rural poor by providing urban facilities to improve income levels of the farming community. He said that, the elimination of poverty in Telangana is my dream. Educating rural people on Nutritional balanced food to address the issue of malnutrition. Assure farmers in improving farm income with appropriate technologies. The PJTSAU actively involved in the formulation of the crop colonies concept in Telangana.
The Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra Secretary [DARE)] and Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi delivered the convocation address. Agricultural education now needs introspection as well as reorientation to make it more relevant and vibrant to meet current challenges successfully. The National Higher Agricultural Education [NAHEP] Project to be funded by the World Bank, aimed at improving the relevance and quality of higher education in agriculture should be seen as an opportunity to attract more talented students, competent faculty and innovative researchers in the field of agriculture. ICAR supporting Education, Research and Extension with different programmes like AICRP s, K.V.Ks and Colleges to serve the farming community and improving the income levels of Farmers. ICAR providing development grants for improving infrastructure facilities Faculty research, Student ready programme, etc. Students of PJTSAU utilizes the knowledge and facilities available in ICAR institutions in Hyderabad. To double the farmer’s income, there is a need reduce cost of cultivation ,Improving water usage ,Good soil health management and adopting integrated farming system etc. To address the malnutrition problem 12 bio fortified varieties in major crops are released at national level and need to be included in public distribution system. CRIDA developed climate resilient technologies to utilize in the state of Telangana. Technology innovations are the need of the hour as they reduce cost, time and labour usage in Agriculture at field level. Soil Health Card Scheme”, the visionary project of Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modiji who is strongly focusing.
That, on soil health management, which aims at providing farm-wise and crop-wise fertilizer recommendations to enhance fertilizer use efficiency. It is heartening to note that several water-wise technologies like micro irrigation & fertigation, precision irrigation using sensors, zero tillage, direct seeded rice system, Alternate Wetting Drying irrigation practice, and high-yielding short duration rice, maize and pulse crop varieties have been developed by PJTSAU. Scientists here must continue with their efforts to develop water-efficient and drought-tolerant varieties. Organic farming, Post harvest technology and value addition, Agri. processing centers, Custom hiring center concept and farm mechanization need to be promoted in larger scale to attract rural youth towards agriculture.
The Dr.V.Praveen Rao, Vice chancellor PJTSAU welcomed all the dignitaries and participants of Convocation and presented a brief report of the University activities, for the period from 3rd September 2014 to 31st July 2016. The University strives to achieve its triple mandate of agricultural education, research and extension through its eight constituent Colleges (five in Agriculture, one each in Agricultural Engineering, Food Science & Technology and Home Science), Fifteen Agricultural Research Stations, including three Regional Agricultural Research Stations (RARSs), Nine District Agricultural Advisory and Transfer of Technology Centre (DAATTCs), Six Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) spread across the State. Farmer outreach mechanisms are supported by Specialized centers such as the Extension Education Institute (EEI), Agricultural Information and Communication Centre (AI & CC), Agricultural Technology Information Centre (ATIC), Electronic Media Wing and Farmers Call Centre at Hyderabad. The University is forging a path for itself, reorienting its priorities to suit the State’s needs with the support of dedicated scientist, supporting and administrative personnel. Higher education apart, the University has in its fold thirteen polytechnics (Eleven in Agriculture, one each in Seed Science and Agricultural Engineering) with a focus to train grass root level workers. The university adopted Vth Dean committee recommendations, Developedvirtual classrooms ,Started innovative students radio programme Chenu kaburlu, 56 students got JRF, Prepared soil fertility map for Telangana state.
In this convocation about 319 [M.Sc /Ph.D] and 790 [UG] students are awarded degrees. 17 gold medals are presented to students for their outstanding performance in academics. M. Shravani received 5 gold medals. Divya Sree received 3 gold medals in B. Tech [Agril. Engineering] and K.Amar Prasad received three gold medals in Plant pathology subject for securing highest Grade point.