The Energy Conservation Mission, The Institution of Engineers (India), Telangana State Centre in association with Telangana State Renewable Energy Development Corporation Ltd was organized National Energy Conservation Week Celebrations-2017 Inaugural Function was held on 14th December, 2017. The Ajay Mishra, IAS, Special Secretary to Government, Energy Department, Government of Teangana was the Chief Guest and graced the function. Mr. Ajay Mishra informed about the Power Position Scenario of India and the Power requirement of Telangana State in view of the 24 hours the Power supply availability to the agricultural sector for Telangana State from 1st January, 2018. He has indicated that already in the month of August a trial for agricultural demand has been tested and for a month and in November also another one week demand was also tested with the present crop pattern.
As the actual peak demand of the state will be occurring in the month of March, the actual demand of power will be4 assessed and there is no worry due to the additional power generation that is going to be added to the grid in the next 2 months from 2500 to 3500 after the formation of Telangana State. Shri Mishra has congratulated the act6ivities of ECM being undertaken in the last 15 years, even though it is a private organization on a large scale and will do his best in appreciating the ECM. Before his speech the Chief Guest released the Souvenir and ECM Calender-2018.
Er A Sudhakar Rao, MIE, Vice Chairman & Managing Director, Telangana State Renewable Energy Development Corporation (TSREDCO), Hyderabad was the Guest-of-Honour. He briefed about Telangana State Renewable Energy Development Corporation Ltd activities.
Smt. Savitri Singh, Zonal Manager, EESL also spoke on this occasion.
Er D V Ramakrishna Kumar, Consultant for Solar & Wind, TSREDCO, Hyderabad was delivered a Lecture on “Assembling of Rooftop Solar Equipment for Domestic Use”.
Dr S Satyanarayana, FIE, Chairman, IEI, TSC presided over the function. Er Tayi Krishna Rao, FIE, Chairman, ECM of IEI, TSC briefed about the National Energy Conservation Week-2017 Celebrations. Earlier, Er G Rameshwar Rao, Hon. Secretary, IEI, TSC welcomed the gathering and Prof. CBV Subba Rayudu, Member, ECM of IEI proposed vote of thanks.