Hyderabad: The West Zone Task Force team arrested one Cheater Black Magic Baba by name Syed Ismail @ Abba Jaan 34-years-old resident of Hakimpet Kunta, Tolichowki and Police seized 1.37 kg gold, Rs. 3.5 Lakhs Net cash and Eight 8 small Hundi pots from his possession. While Addressing to Media conference the DCP Taskforce Radhakishan Rao said the accused was a Fake Baba, cheated innocent peoples, who is involved in indulging in sorcery through black Magical occult and trapping innocent peoples and physiologically extracting money by claiming that he holds extraordinary Supernatural powers. Further DCP appealed public to be aware of such Fake Baba’s not to believe them. The DCP Task force Radhakishan Rao Said.

Telangana: Fake Magician Held for Cheating Innocent People on the Guise of Black Magic, Police Seized1.327 Kg Gold & Cash 3.5 Lakhs