Hyderabad: The Hyderabad City West Zone Police Apprehended one interstate criminal JayeshRavjiSejpal N/o Gujarat State who wanted in several offences reported in various metropolitan cities of different states across the country for the last six-years, police Recovery stolen diamond jewellery and gold ornaments worth Rs. 30 Lakhs, the Arrested Accused person Jayesh RavjiSejpal R/o Gujarat State.
The Banjara Hills received a complaint from an occupant of Room no. 312 of Park Hyatt Hotel, Banjara Hills that there was a theft in his room and some unknown offender has entered the room and committed theft of diamond jewellery and gold ornaments. To this effect, registered a case in Cr. No. 192/2018 U/s 380 IPC at Banjara Hills, Hyderabad and took up the investigation.
The Police apprehended the most wanted interstate criminal Jayesh RavjiSejpal N/o Gujarat State who committed number of thefts of diamond jewellery, gold ornaments and net cash from luxuries 5star hotels in major metropolitan cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkatta, Chennai, Hyderabad, Chandigarh, Konchi etc., across the country and recovered stolen Gold Ornaments worth of Rs.30 Lakhs.
The accused JayeshRavjiSejpal is an inter-state criminal who has been committing thefts / burglaries in star hotels since last twenty years. So far he committed as many as thirty thefts/ burglaries at various star hotels in thirteen states across the country. He targets and commits offences only in star hotels, by posing himself to the hotel staff as if a genuine customer of that hotel room. He managed to collect the access card or the room keys from the reception staff with his deceit and tactful words and commits thefts of valuables from customers’ rooms in their absence.
The present theft case of Park Hyatt Hotel, Banjarahills, Hyderabad the accused adopted the same modus-operands and he conducted recce at Park Hyatt Hotel on 5th and 6th March 2018 and identified the newly wedded couples who checked in room no. 312 in the said hotel as his target. In the afternoon hours of 06.03.2018, the accused approached the reception staff of Park Hyatt Hotel and posed himself as their relative or known person and questioned the staff whether the guest in room no. 312 checked out or not. Believing his version in good faith, staff present at reception, without suspecting anything opened their computer system and revealed the name of Guest of room no. 312 and replied that the guest was not yet checked out. The accused waited in the lobby of Park Hyatt Hotel and at about 7.30 pm, when the victim couple of room no. 312 went out, the accused obtained access of lifts by playing deception over the staff. Upon reaching the third floor, he made a phone call to the reception and deceived the reception staff that he was the guest of room no. 312 and lost his access card and requested for alternative digital access card. When the reception staff enquired for his identity, he revealed the original name of guest of room no. 312 as he already collected the same from the reception. Then without thorough verification, the reception staff sent an alternative digital access card of room no. 312 and handed over the same to the accused. The accused Jayesh entered into room no. 312 with the access card and committed theft of jewellery items by broke open the suitcase available in the room. After committing theft, the accused came out of the hotel and boarded in a hired auto and reached his temporary staying lodge at Nampally and stayed there for two days. After noticing his photographs in the news papers, he escaped to Mumbai by bus. The accused person arrested by Banjara Hills Police.