The Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University (PJTSAU) and Indian Institute of Pulses Research (IIPR) of ICAR, Kanpur has jointly organized the a 3day long Annual Pigeonpea group meeting at University Auditorium of PJTSAU here on Saturday. The Vice Chancellor PJTSAU Dr. V. Praveen Rao was the chief guest and formerly inaugurated the annual group meet of All India Coordinated Research Project on Pigeonpea.
While speaking after inaugurates the annual group meet he suggested that, the scientists should take care about the changes happening around us in future while developing new varieties in various crops including pulses. And also he said that, varieties should give highest yield as well as it suits for the farm mechanization. Further he suggested that, Scientists should prioritize the research programs according to demand in the society. Digital technology also can be widely utilized for the transfer of technologies to the farmers said the VC. The future agriculture is mainly depends on the innovations and technology driven which can provide opportunities and challenges to the young Agricultural scientists in the country according to Dr Rao.
The Dr. NP Singh, Director, IIPR, Kanpur while delivering the presidential address he explained about the efforts put for to achieve the self sufficiency in pulses production in the country. In this year a record level of pulses production is about 24.52 million tons is achieved according the 3rd advanced food grains estimates he said. And plans were made to achieve about 32 million tons of pulses production to meet the growing demand in the country by 2030 he said.
The Dr. IP Singh, Project Coordinator, of All India Coordinated Research Project on Pigeonpea was gave the presentation on the overview of the project and research achievements in last year through power point presentation. About the 60 pigeon pea scientists from 24 coordinated research centers across the country were participated in this three day meet. Earlier The Director of Research PJTSAU Dr. Jagadeeshwar, was welcomed the delegates and Dr. Jaganmohan Rao was proposed the vote of Thanks.