The Principal Secretary Municipal Administration Arvind Kumar today said that Telangana is the first state in the country to comply with Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) guidelines. Addressing the second regional workshop to implement energy conservation building code in India today he said that 13 states have so far notified the ECBC-2017 guidelines but no state has so far come with implementation protocol. Similarly GHMC is the first ULB in the country to be ECBC compliant. All the 21 new integrated collectorate complexes coming up in the state are ECBC compliant. The ECBC compliance has been incorporated in the online building approval system (DPMS) of urban local bodies which is first time in India. 38 ECBC third party assessors are empanelled with the Telangana state renewable energy Development Corporation and GHMC. This system is also established for the first time in the country in any urban local body for energy efficiency compliance in building construction. GHMC has also issued licences to empanelled third party assessors which are also a first time in the country. The government will also engage with the builders to discuss the cost economics and also to spread awareness among the building community that technology is available for cool roof concept. The heat action plan 2018 which has been formulated will be taken to the logical conclusion. The government will also come out with electric vehicle policy shortly. He urged the Bureau of Energy Efficiency should incentivise the urban local bodies for their contribution towards encouraging ECBC compliance. He also assured the state government’s unstinted support in ensuring more and more buildings switch to energy saving technologies. Mr Saurabh Diddi , Director Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Mr Rajeev Ralhan, Director clean energy, PWC India, Dr Usha Ramachandra, area chair person, ASCI and Mr GSV Prasad GM TSREDCO spoke on the occasion.
Concept note
Regional & National Workshops on ECBC implementation in India
To improve the energy efficiency in the new commercial buildings, the Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) was created. ECBC was launched by Ministry of Power (MoP), Government of India, in May 2007, as the first step towards promoting energy efficiency in the commercial building sector. The implementation of the code is expected to reduce energy demand in commercial buildings by 25% – 40%. The code can be amended by state governments as per their climatic conditions. As on date the status of ECBC implementation in India is presented below:
States that have notified the Code (11 states and 1 Union Territory (UT)) | Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Karnataka, Odisha, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Telangana, West Bengal, Uttarakhand, Kerala, Puducherry (UT) |
States that have amended the code (19 States and 5 UT) | Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Goa, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Mizoram, Manipur, Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir, Chhattisgarh, Delhi and UTs of Daman Diu, Lakshadweep, Chandigarh, Andaman & Nicobar, Dadra & Nagar Haveli |
The Code was created in the year 2007, however due to following challenges it is still under the voluntary phase in most of the states. The list of challenges/barriers are mentioned as below:
• Inadequate awareness among the state officials, partial number of on-ground activities to implement the code are witnessed.
• Absence of common platform to share the experience of ECBC implementation and enforcement process.
• Absence of Standard action plan to implement ECBC in the state.
The need
Gauging the acuteness of the challenges mentioned above, Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) in association with European Union (EU) launched a common implementation Forum for Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) in a national level workshop organized, on the 22nd of September 2017, in Hotel Taj Mahal, Man Singh Road, New Delhi. The Workshop was supported by EU within the framework of the “Clean Energy Cooperation with India” (CECI) programme, and in particular the ACE: E2 project (Adoption, Compliance, Enforcement for Energy Efficiency) which aims at providing legal and policy support to the development and implementation of energy efficiency legislation for the building sector in India, in collaboration with the Bureau of Energy Efficiency.
Importance of creating regional level groups has been highlighted in order to ensure successful implementation of ECBC across various states of India. It has been proposed to create four regional level groups, viz. East, West, North and South. Each group will have at least one state that has notified and one state that has amended the code.
Objective of proposed regional workshops
Objective of the workshop: The overall objective of the workshop are:
1. Notified states to present the status of ECBC implementation in their states
2. Discussion on the status of various policy instruments like integration of ECBC in bye-laws, building approval process and schedule of rates (SOR)
3. Efficient operational mechanism to implement ECBC in the state.
4. Capacity of various stakeholders and professionals in the states
5. Discussion on various market instruments required for the implementation of ECBC
6. Present Success stories/lessons learnt in various states
7. Discussions on challenges/drivers for ECBC implementation
Energy Conservation Building Code status in Telangana
Energy Conservation Building Code Technical Committee Formation:
Though the Energy Conservation Building Code was launched by Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power, Government of India in 2007, the implementation was very difficult. To adopt ECBC, Government of united AP has constituted a high level technical committee, through GO 1328 on October 04, 2012 under Chairmanship of Principal Secretary, Municipal Administration and Urban Development, Prof. Srinivas Chary Vedala, Administrative Staff College of India as member convener, VC & MD – TSREDCO (SDA), JMD- TRANSCO, Energy Economist-BEE, Director – DTCPO, EnC-R&B, Commissioner- HMDA, Dr. Vishal Garg – IIITH& Prof. Rajkiran V Bilolikar – ASCI as members.
After several technical committee meetings, the Committee prepared a roadmap for adoption of the ECBC in the state within its existing legal framework. Based on the Technical Committee’s analysis and expert recommendations the committee has prepared the report on ECBC adoption along with suggested changes in G.O.MS 168 (building byelaws) and submitted the same to Government. Government reviewed the report and based on the technical committee recommendations, notified Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC)as mandatory compliance for all commercial buildings and Non-Residential buildings that have plot area of more than 1000 square meters or built up area of 2000 square meters and certain categories of buildings such as multiplexes, hospitals, hotels and convention centers irrespective of their built up area through G.O.MS. 30 dt. January 28, 2014.
One June 02, 2014, the state got bifurcated and the Technical Committee, as per the earlier G.O.1328, has been convened meetings in Government of Telangana for effective implementation of ECBC as per the G.O. MS.30 i.e., G.O.168 (building Byelaws) on November 23, 2015, February 23, 2016 and November 23, 2016.
Both the organisations, TSREDCO & ASCI worked together to give effective inputs to the committee which resulted in developing the following model for implementation.
- Planning and Conceptual Model Development
- Needs Assessment
- Coalition Building and Outreach
- Incorporation of ECBC in online building approval system
- Local Capacity Building
- Developing Supporting Infrastructure – Institutional Arrangement
- Developing and Strengthening Third Party Assessor Model
Above each step has unique in ECBC implementation and TSREDCO has extensively worked with ASCI to understand the key aspects of implementation at each stage. The effort lead into development of strengthened innovative ECBC compliance framework at two stages of any commercial building construction in Telangana as per G.O. M.S. 30. The involvement of stakeholders like, ULBs, Real Estate Developers, Architect associations, Engineer associations, researchers and academic institutions like IIIT – Hyderabad. TSREDCO with ASCI has also involved Natural Resources Defence Council, USA to develop an understanding of international best practices on energy efficiency code implementation at ULB level.
Unique ECBC Implementation Framework:
Following is the unique innovative framework developed by Technical Committee for smooth implementation of ECBC in Telangana.
Following are the steps that shall be followed by Real Estate Developer/Owner/Builder for ECBC compliance as per the ECBC compliance framework
Step 1 For ECBC Complied construction, Real Estate Developer (RED)/ Owner/ Builder shall submit building design with the support of any Architect to Licensed ECBC Third Party Assessor.
Step 2 Licensed ECBC Third Party Assessor will verify the submitted designs and recommends necessary measures for ECBC compliance and certifies the design along with simulation report.
Step 3 The RED/Owner/ Builder Submits the modified designs along with Certificate issued by Licensed ECBC Third Party Assessor.
Step 4 Urban Local body gives the permission for construction.
Step 5 During the Construction Phase of the building ULB may do random inspections.
Step 6 Before Occupancy Certificate, RED/owner/builder submits the data (materials used, certificates etc.) to Licensed ECBC TPA for physical inspection- Licensed ECBC TPA after inspection issues ECBC compliance verification certificate mentioning Building Construction is as per ECBC Compliance.
Step 7 RED/Owner/Builder will submit the same to ULB for Occupancy Certificate
Step 8 Urban Local Body Issues Occupancy Certificate after inspecting the ECBC compliance certificate.
Incorporation of ECBC in online Development Permission Management System (DPMS) and issuing of ECBC Compliance Certificates:
• As per the technical committee directions, the ECBC Compliance has been incorporated in the online Development Permission Management System (DPMS) i.e., online building approval system of Urban local bodies which is first time in India.
• 38 ECBC Third Party Assessors (TPAs) are empanelled with Telangana State Renewable Energy Development Corporation and Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation. This system is also established for the first time in the country in any Urban Local Body for Energy Efficiency compliance in building construction. Further GHMC issued licenses to the empaneled Third Party Assessors which is first time in country
• ECBC Compliance Certificate: As per the technical committee directions, Telangana ECBC cell has developed the following ECBC compliance certificates.
Status of ECBC Implementation in Telangana:
• ECBC became mandatory in Telangana through G.O.M.S.No. 30 dated 28.01.2014 of MAUD.
• TSREDCO entrusted ASCI for capacity building and empanelment of Third Party Assessors for ECBC compliance verification and certifying. –
o 275 Government Officials, Real Estate developers, architects & engineers etc., are trained in Telangana and empaneled 42 TPAs.
• As per Technical committee direction, TSREDCO further entrusted ASCI for creating pool of ECBC experts in Telangana –
o 7 compressive workshops (set of one day and two day workshops) have been conducted. 141 architects, engineers, government officials& consultants have been participated in the workshops and – 106 participants have cleared the ECBC expert certification examination.
• ECBC cell has been established by TSREDCO in Telangana and appointed ASCI as implementing agency-
o ECBC cell started working with MAUD, GHMCand R & B department. 38 more Third Party Assessors have been empanelled with GHMC. ECBC compliance have been incorporated in the GHMC building approval forms.
o As per the technical committee discussions, ECBC cell worked with R & B department for constructing new Collector Office Complex buildings as per ECBC Compliance. As of now 21 new collector integrated office buildings of the state are designed as per ECBC compliance with a total built up area of 3,07,776 sq.m and estimated energy savings of11MU.
• ECBC Compliance Certificates issued in Telangana
The ECBC compliance certificates have been issued to following Commercial buildings
Building Name | TPA Name | Star Rating | Method of Compliance | EPI Base | EPI Project | % Saving |
Aparna Shopping Mall & Multiplex | S P Anchuri | 2 | Whole Building Performance | 370.5 | 345 | 6.88 |
IKEA Hyderabad | Samitha M | 4 | Whole Building performance | 198.39 | 161.76 | 18.46 |
Sangeeth Mall | Samitha M | 2 | Whole Building Performance | 222.5 | 2028 | 8.85 |
Galaxy Building | S P Anchuri | 3 | Whole Building Performance | 90 | 80 | 11.12 |
BSR Tech Park | Gunjan | 2 | Whole Building Performance | 221.85 | 203.76 | 8.15 |
Allure Bussiness Park | VD Sivanand Rajeshwar | 1 | Prescriptive | NA | NA | NA |
Commercial Complex Shreemukh Developers | SP Anchuri | 1 | Prescriptive | NA | NA | NA |
CMR Estates,Commercial Complex | Mohammed Zikrulla | 1 | Prescriptive | NA | NA | NA |
Commercial complex,DSA Builders & Construction LLP | S P Anchuri | 1 | Prescriptive | NA | NA | NA |
• As per the discussions held during technical committee meetings and as per G.O.M.S. 13 dated 17.04.2017, ASCI, IIITH & NRDC with support of TSREDCO and GHMC drafted TSECBC guidelines and submitted the same. The TS ECBC guidelines have been uploaded in TSREDCO website for public comments. The received comments have been forwarded to ASCI.
• Later BEE has launched ECBC 2017 on June 19, 2017. TSREDCO with the support of technical committee, planning to adopt the same in Telangana by amending existing G.O.MS 30 dated 28.01.2014.