Telangana State Forest Academy hosted the Asia Youth Biodiversity Network (AYBDN) meet from 14th to 20th October 2018 at Dulapally. The AYBDN is a part of the Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBDN) established under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) by the United Nations (UN).After COP-11, this is the second UN program organized at Hyderabad.
In the Asian Youth Biodiversity Network meeting, about 40 representatives from 21 Asian countries participated. Major countries represented are: China, Japan, Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Bangladesh, Mynmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Iran, Malaysia, Vietnam, and others besides host India.
That during the meet, the representatives discussed their respective National Reports to UN under the CBD with reference to the “Aichi” targets under Biological Diversity. Aichi targets are set for 2010-2020 with twenty targets and each party (Nation) to the Convention is supposed to draw up their own National Targets called National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans (NBSAPS). For example, India has combined some of the Aichi targets and came up with 12 National Targets. The “Aichi” targets are coming up for review for formulating new framework for Biodiversity conservation and preservation beyond 2020. The Network meeting is facilitated by a team of Chistian (Germany), Swetha (India), Bharat (India & Telangana), Melina (Brazil), Alex (Madagascar), Mirna (Bolivia), Nami (Japan).
The Telangana is the first state in India to start documentation of Biodiversity work being done by farmers in Komram Bheem Asifabad District through Biodiversity Management Committees (BMCs). These experiences are shared in the meet and they are also likely to be shared at the next COP meeting. During the Meet, the India Youth Biodiversity Network (IYBDN) is also formed. Outcomes of the meet are: priority items for Biodiversity to be presented in the next COP, Priority items of work for each participant as individual and as part of an organization, setting up networks at National level, carrying on awareness building campaigns on biodiversity. As part of the meet, the participants participated in Bathukamma festival and Durgashtami. They were taken on a day long tour to Amrabad Tiger Reserve to understand how biodiversity is conserved.
The PCCF of Telangana State Forest Department Mr.P.K.Jha, IFS was the Chief Guest at the Valedictory function of the Network meet held today. He opined that involving Youth in environmental protection in general and biodiversity conservation in particular, is very important. Youth have energy, enthusiasm and with proper guidance can contribute immensely to important issues like Environment and Biodiversity. He was positive in the potential to upscale the activities being done by the Telangana Chapter in the coming years with collaborations. Mr.Jha gave away Certificates to all the participants. Director of TS Forest Academy Dr.K.Tirupataiah, IFS Presided over the closing function.