Hyderabad: In pursuance of the guidelines issued by the National Legal Services Authority, the Telangana State Services Authority has organized National Lok Adalat on 14th December 2019.
The direction and leadership of the Hon’ble Justice Raghvendra S.Chauhan the Chief Justice of High Court of Judicature at Hyderabad for the State of Telangana and Patron-in chief, Telangana state Legal Services Authority, the Hon’ble Justice M.S.Ramchandar Rao, Executive Chairman of Telangana State Legal Services Authority, the Hon’ble Justice P.Naveen Rao, Chairman of High Court Committee, the A.Santosh Reddy, Member Secretary of Telangana State Legal Services Authority have coordinated with all the District Legal Service Authority in the state and have organized National Lok Adalat on 14-12-2019.
In the National Lok Adalat 25,985 Cases i.e. 14,462 Pre-Litigation cases and 11,523 Court Pending Cases of all categories have been settled in the District of Telangana State and an amount of Rs. 54.60 Crores is awarded as compensation in the state of Telangana.