The Energy Conservation Mission, a constituent Division of The Institution of Engineers (India), Telangana State Centre is organising a week long programme on Energy Conservation starting from 14-12-2019 to 20-12-2019. It is opined by many that the theme as chosen by the Institute is apt, keeping in view the necessity of conserving the Energy in the present day context.
The Er Navin Mittal, IAS, FIR, Commissioner of Collegiate Education. Government of Telangana, Hyderabad is the Chief Guest of the function. Er N Janaiah, VC & MD, Telangana State Renewable Energy Development Corporation is the Guest of Honour and Shri T.Sriranga Rao, Chairman; Telangana State Electricity Regulatory Commission is the Special Guest.
Past Presidents, Students from various Educational Institutions attended the function. Er T Anjaiah, FIE, Hon. Secretary, IEI, TSC invited the guests on to the dais.
The Dr.G.Rameshwar Rao, FIE, Chairman, IEI, Telangana State Centre, while making his opening remarks on the theme mentioned about , the efforts being made by IEI in bringing awareness amongst all the end users by way of conducting – exhibitions, seminars, technical lectures in schools and colleges, publishing of theme papers etc., He also made a mention that a Division, i.e., Energy Conservation Mission (ECM) was established in the year 2003 by IEI with active participation of energy passionate practising professionals and others to spread the message of proper usage of Energy and related benefits. In his elaborate speech, Sri Rao also quoted about a few examples on benefits accrued by effective implementation of energy conservation methods. Shri Rao informed that Telangana State and Renewable Energy Development Corporation has been supporting the cause and giving a helping hand in this regard.
The E. Sreenivasa Chary, FIE, Chairman, ECM, IEI, TSC in his opening remarks, emphasised the need to conserve energy, which in turn will have a domino effect in all spheres of activities, be it economic sphere of activities or be it environmental protection issues.
While elaborating the above points, Chary mentioned that the usage of Fossil Fuels, such as, coal, crude oil, natural gas, which presently are being indiscriminately will get exhausted by end of the century. Hence, he emphasised the need to save energy by innovative methods. Chary mentioned that the Division being headed by him is making all out efforts in this direction by conducting energy related programmes, audits, and seminars since inception of Energy Conservation Mission. He aptly quoted Mahatma Gandhi’s message “Earth Provides for Every man’s need, but not every man’s greed”. There was a great applause from the audience for this quote. He appreciated the measures being taken by State Government towards conservation of power, by adopting various innovative methods such as introduction of LED bulbs in place of Conventional Bulbs, by introducing ECBC Code, and also by harping more on solar energy etc.,
The Er.Janaiah, VC & MD, Telangana State and Renewable Energy Development Corporation in his speech mentioned about the efforts being made by his Corporation in saving energy through various measures. “Doing more with less” the quote made by him was well received by one and all. Optimal usage of selective electric appliances, periodical energy audits and corrective steps thereupon were the topics dovetailed upon by Shri Janniah. He also mentioned about the concept of PAT. He mentioned that Electric Sub-Stations play pivotal role in this regard.
The Janaiah indicated that Telangana State Renewable Energy Development Corporation will be organising an event on 20th instant in IEI campus at Khairatabad and distribute Awards to those who have done pioneering work in conservation of energy. Governor of Telangana State will be the Chief Guest.
The T.Sriranga Rao, Chairman, Telangana State Electricity Regulatory Commission in his speech mentioned details of the theme of energy conservation, if implemented the measures in a constructive and systematic way the benefits accrued there upon etc., He pointed that the gap between supply and demand is being widened due to multi fold increase in population etc., He mentioned on the whole, the society is dependent 80 % on Non Renewable Energy and 20% on Renewable energy. He opined that the country is dependent more on other countries and hence he emphasised that this trend need to be reversed and the country must be in a position to generate its own energy resources such as solar power, wind power etc.,
Finally the Chief Guest, Navin Mittal, IAS, FIE gave his speech and enlightened the audience on the need to conserve energy, its impact on the society as a whole. The audience were of the opinion that his speech is lucid in its own way and more practical in approach.
He mentioned about the programmes being taken up by his Department in furtherance of the energy conservation measures. Towards implementation of the programme, he said that efforts have been made by his Department to replace conventional lights through introduction of LED bulbs. He mentioned that the habit of conservation of power and benefits there upon must be inculcated amongst all sections of students. Towards this direction, he said from next academic year, the subject of “Energy Conservation” will form part of the syllabus.
The Chief Guest released a “Souvenir” titled “National Energy Conservation Week Celebrations – 2019 “
Prof. CVB Subbarayaudu, Addl. Convener, ECM, EIE, TSC proposed vote of thanks and applauded those who helped in organising the event a great success. Subbarayudu also mentioned that these are the platforms which help percolate down below the message to all sections of people. He thanked media persons, audience. He also thanked the sponsors for their timely help in promoting the event. All those who present took a pledge on the subject in question. The session which started at 10.00 AM ended at 11.30 AM.