The Face book is one of the social Networking services, which was founded by Mark Zuckerberg which was launched on 4th Feb 2004 in California, US, it connects many of the people across the world and gives news feed within seconds, the Google which is one of the fast and reliable search engine, which activate their safety check features (SOS) to let users in the area notify their friends that they were safe and get nearby support for a recent attack in Barcelona, Spain.
This SOS alert feature by Google, face book gave people up-to-date news and information about Barcelona attack in which users used to “check in as safe” Facebook created a page, titled “The attack in Barcelona, Spain”, the page also includes helpful information for those who might be affected, “When Safety Check is activated, users who Facebook determines to live or spend a lot of time in the affected area are sent a push notification asking if they want to check in as safe, “The feature sends a push notification to friends or relatives of those who verify in confirming they have been marked as safe, This also used in the ways for the people to offer help for those who are in need of help like food, shelter or medicines, face book was introduced this security check in the year 2011 and used only for natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, tsunami until 2015 Paris attack and later widely used in terror attacks which took place in London.