According to the cardiologist research revealed that dark chocolate enriched with virgin olive oil may increase good cholesterol levels and help in preserving the ‘repairing cells’ which play a vital role in maintaining blood vessels,Chocolate lovers, now have a reason to express joy, According to a latest study, dark chocolate may be good for your heart health, Rossella Di Stefano is one of the cardiologist at the University of Pisa in Italy, said “Fruits and vegetables exert their protective effects through plant polyphenols, which are found in cocoa, olive oil, and apples,” The researchers noted that a lot of research has already been done on the Italian Panaia red apple and its high levels of polyphenols & antioxidants.
Chocolates of Both these types of were given in random order to some people in order to get progression of atherosclerosis was assessed by metabolic changes, lipid profile, blood pressure and circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPC), Researchers then collected urine and blood samples at baseline and after the involvement, The Urine samples were then analyzed by proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, After examining it, they find that the chocolate enriched with olive oil was considerably increases EPC levels the researchers noted, Di Stefano said, We found that daily consumption of certain amount of dark chocolate with the added natural polyphenols from extra virgin olive oil was associated with an improved cardiovascular risk profile.